Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bonsoir mes amis

Bonsoir mes amis cela fait des annees depuis qu'on a pas ecrit. Maintenant je suis de retour avec cette priere:

Pere je te soumets mes besoins. Je crois que tu peux toutes choses.

Meci d'etre le maitre de la reussite pour moi. Je te loue et je t'adore !

Au Nom de Jesus


1 comment:

  1. Hello Linda.

    My name is Blaise Nicoletti. I was blessed to have met you in January of this year when we visited House of Hope with my Pastor Bryson Vogeltanz (Athens, Georgia), Missions Developer Brent Harrison (Atlanta Georgia) and Dr. Jean Durlus STEP Ministries President (Port-a-Prince, Haiti).
    My church (Athens Church) has asked me to begin building a relationship and/or partnership with several Christian leaders their in your Country for a long-term missions program. You can reach me at
    I would like to dialog more about the opportunity to bring several teams to your Country twice to three times a year.
    My cell phone number is 706.614.4323
    I look forward to communicating with you.
